is 12 years old. He is into computers, which is why he does all that's above. He has been into weather ever since he started watching The Weather Channel.
is 12 years old, been in ads, and she loves keeping up on the new trends. She loves basketball and softball, and she loves when she is with her friends.
is 10 years old and loves to play defense on her soccer and lacrosse team. She also enjoys making art and hanging out with her besties Lana and Raegan. She has 4 siblings, Camryn, Kane, Gavin, and Jacob, but tries to include Lana and Raegan as siblings because they always hang out together every week. Her favorite soda is Dr. Pepper. She also lives with her two bearded dragons named Goldie and Cookie Jr., a dog named Twiggy, and a leopard gecko named Spike. She is also very exited to do the news channel with friends.
is 10 years old and is AMAZING at gymnastics. She is kind and she is always helps when she can. She is good at talking in public and she is not shy. She loves hanging out with her friends and family. Taylor is her BFF and Lana is her sister. her favorite snacks are Takis, Dr. Pepper, and jolly ranchers. She has a dog named Sully and a cat named Pickle. Her favorite subject is math. She loves playing outside on her trampoline. She is so exited to do a kids news channel with her friends.
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